Catherine CHAUVEL
Since January 1, 2018: Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, 1 Rue Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France
Date of Birth: 27 December 1955
Citizenship: French
Marital Status: Married, two children
Languages: French, English, some German
1982: PhD in geochemistry. Thesis title: Géochimie des Terres Rares et compositions isotopiques du Strontium et du Néodyme dans les basaltes alcalins du Massif Central.
Thesis supervisor: Prof. B.M. Jahn.
1982 - 1990: Postdoctoral Fellow, Geochemistry Department, Max-Plank-Institut für Chemie, Mainz, West Germany.
Sept. 1987 - April 1988: visiting fellow at the Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
1990 - 1991: CIES post-doctoral grant and Associate Professor fellowship. University of Rennes, France
1991 - 1999: Chargée de Recherche CNRS in “Géosciences Rennes”. Promotion to the Directeur de Recherche level (equivalent of Professor) in October 1998
1999 - 2017: Directrice de Recherche CNRS in Grenoble. Promotion to the “Full Professor” level (DR1) in October 2007.
2018: Directrice de Recherche CNRS in IPG Paris.
AGU Fellow 2011. EAG & GS Fellow 2017. Daly Lecture 2017. Bowen Award & Lecture 2021
Current Research Interests
Isotope and trace element geochemistry of modern and ancient continental and oceanic basalts, of subduction zone volcanism and of sediments.
Past and current responsibilities:
Head of the Geochemistry laboratory in Grenoble between 1999 and 2017. Adjunct-director of the Doctoral School for Earth Sciences at Grenoble University for 8 years. Supervision of over 20 graduate and PhD students. Member of the CNRS selection and evaluation committee for Earth Sciences for 8 years. Member, vice-chair and chair of the ANR “Blanc” committee (2011-2013).
Editorial board of Chemical Geology (1995-2014) and Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research (since 2013). Associate Editor of G3 2000-2008. Editor-in-Chief of Chemical Geology 2014-2022.
Treasurer of European Association of Geochemistry 2001-2008. Elected on the board of directors of the Geochemical Society (2010-2013). Elected president-elect of the VGP section of the AGU (2013-2014), president for the period 2015-2016 and past-president for 2017-2018. Member of the College of Fellows of the AGU. Vice-president of the EAG (2021-2022) future president of the EAG (2023-2024)
Organization of several scientific sessions in international conferences, organization of a workshop, member of the “international program committee” for the Goldschmidt 2008 and 2016.
Over 130 papers; see full list on the publication page